🍡Using Hydra

The first command given to break down was "hydra -l <username> -p <full path to pass> MACHINE_IP -t 4 ssh"

The following table shows which option does what.





list of passwords


specifies the numer of threads

The next command, "hydra -l <username> -P <wordlist> MACHINE_IP http-post-form "/:username=^USER^password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V

The following table breaks each part in this command down.



single username


indicator to use the password list


indicates the type of form

/login url

login page url


form field to enter the username


tells hydra to use the username


form field where the password is entered


uses password list supplied prior


login failed message indicator

Login failed

login failure message


if it appears on the page, its incorrect


verborse output

Using the commands we learned, we are instructed to use Hydra to find Molly's passwords.

The first thing I did was go through my usr/share/wordlists folder to find my available wordlists that were already preinstalled. The one I ended up using for this exercise was rockyou.txt.

Using the command, "hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^password=^PASS^:incorrect" -V" I used Hydra to brute force molly's password.

Going back to the web server available on this IP, I used the credentials given to login and capture the first flag.

To find Molly's ssh password, I used the command, "hydra -l molly -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt".

Using these credentials, I was able to login to molly's system.

From here, I was able to search around the directories to find the flag.

Using "ls" to list the files in the current directory and then using "cat" to read the file found, I was able to find the second flag.

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